Saturday, March 15, 2008

Making a difference, Part III

I believe that God wants us to use the tragedy's in our life to make a difference in someone else's.

So that is what I tried to do last night. I had the oppurtunity to speak to some teenagers that come to our teen outreach on Friday nights. I had been praying about what to talk about when God started speaking to me about Wesley. It is really hard for me to think about Wes, much less share his story. 

I didn't know what I would say or how I would say it. I just started talking, it was like God filled my mind, heart and mouth with every word. I gave examples of how I wanted to be the cool sister, and I tried to buy the things of the world to impress my brother and his friends with. I told them how when I felt bad about something I was doing, to feel better I got others to do it with me. 

I told them the story of how God had Wesley call me three times before he died. How I had blown him off, how I had thought I had tomorrow.  I reminded them that Wesley could be one of them. That it could be their best friend getting married with out his best mate standing beside him. 

I told them about the little girl left without a dad. Wesley, had signed a picture for his baby, before he died, and said "I hope I always make your proud, Love Dad". So I asked how proud will that girl be when she is 2, 10, 16, how bout when she walks down the isle to get married. They responded not very. 

They took it in. All of it. I know it was the Holy Spirit they were listening to and not me. These kids, talk out every chance they get, and they said nothing the entire time. Their faces in deep thought, thinking of their mates, or themselves I am sure.  

I had given them a blank piece of paper at the start of the talk and when we were almost down. I asked them to look at it. They replied there was nothing on it. Exactly, I said, that is how God sees us when we get saved. He doesn't see us for what we were he sees us like a blank sheet of paper, clean and white, forgiven of the lies, drugs, drink, stealing, all the things we are guilty of. They were thinking. 
I assured them that they didn't have to make a discussion in front of their friends. I asked them before they went to sleep that night. To think about what was said, and to remember that they could be Wesley, with no tomorrows to make a discussion. 

I thank the Lord for giving me the chance to share Wesley with these kids. For the first time I am not ashamed that Wesley was proud of me.

May I never forget to share Jesus with the ones I love and the people I meet.

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