Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday nights results

Sunday night 18 in total, 5 of them young people, 

We heard a great message out of the book of Daniel on the ram, goat, and little horn. Stephen did a wonderful job preaching to our new demographic. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to teach to a older generation mixed with a group of teenage newbie christians. God really used the message to capture their attention. The boys were just mesmerized by Daniel's vision, I suppose they never thought the bible had such interesting things in it.

We had the Lord's supper tonight as well, I was very impressed how each of them paid attention to what Stephen was saying. Stephen, did such a great job explaining everything and teaching why we do the Lord's supper the way  we do. 

After the service we loaded up three car loads of kids and headed to our house for get together. The young people had asked to talk to Stephen about being baptized, so what better time then the present. It was so awesome to see them excited about coming over. I had told them in the service Sunday morning if they didn't have a note from one of their parents they would not be able to go. So I was tickled that they started coming in Sunday night with notes in hand. One young man and his brother said they would not be able to go because his parents had not been home all day, so he couldn't get his note. I made an exception and talked to his father on the phone to get permission.  So by the end of it we had 7 young people at our house eating pizza and listening to people talk about being baptized, they also asked some very good questions.

I really am standing amazed at what God has done. It is such an amazing experience to be here with these young people watching the change God is making in their lives. Please continue to pray for these young souls as they grow and learn more about the God in heaven that loves them.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

God is moving

These are some of our young people that got saved Friday night. God has truly been giving us answers to our prayers. We had 17 in our Sunday school, 26 in our service and 2 of them lost visitors. 
I was thinking back on the first couple of Friday night meetings, when I caught one of these boys smoking weed (blow it is called here) right out side our front door. I was so upset about it, not so much that he did it because that is what lost kids do. It was more of a longing in my heart and soul for them to get saved because I knew that this life style only ends one way, BADLY. 
I remember calling my sister when we got to the house and telling her about the kids and what had taken place, I was crying so much she could barely hear me. I asked God that night to help Stephen and I reach these kids, so that they would know people care about them, more importantly that they knew God loved them. God has answered prayer because four of these kids in this picture are now saved by the Grace of God and one of them is the kid I caught smoking weed that night.
If you could only hear me praise the Lord for the victory of these young men and lady's. 
I am just so plum full right now. 
These kids are amazing me, they asked if they could come to the house tonight (no school this week) and talk about getting baptized. So Lord willing, we will have a house full of teenagers learning what the bible says about being baptized. 
Please be in prayer for Stephen and I, we are in uncharted waters and we need the Lord to guide our every step. 

Teen Alive meeting

We had a great service last night with some of the new young people that got saved the night before. It was so good to see them come back for the real deal. 
We had a good time in the Lord. We began the service with prayer, thanking God for the decisions that were made on Friday and asking God to protect these young people in the days to come. We then had a time of singing, followed by a good round of "fluffy bunnies". 
We then had the guys and girls split up for the lesson. Both groups listened to what the leaders had to say and they asked some very good questions. In the guys class, I am told the young men asked about being baptized, they also said how much they needed this Saturday night meeting to keep them off the streets. Praise the Lord for the Revival that is happening in the hearts of these young people. 

We wrapped the meeting up with some snacks and fellowship. It was so wonderful to watch these kids want to spend time talking about the bible. We started the meeting at 7:30 and ended 9:00, the kids stayed until 10:30 talking about what had happened. 
Some of the young men want to go out this afternoon and pass out tracts and info about the church, can you say, amazing. 
It really is beautiful to see the change God make in peoples lives. 

Please continue to pray for God to place a hedge of protection around these kids. 

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Who can sleep?

I tell you what, when God has given you a day like we just had, you will understand how sleeping right now is near to impossible. 

Wow!!! I am still in complete awe of what I saw God do last night. 
We started the night off with some ping pong, table soccer and a lot of fellowship. Then we moved into the talk around 9:00 pm. Tony began sharing his testimony with the kids and the Holy spirit moved in.
It was amazing to watch these young people, who are normally unruly and load, be so attentive hanging on every word that was being said. They were like sponges taking in God's word. You could see that their minds were thinking about their own lives and how they didn't have what Bro. Tony had. 
When the talk ended they hardly moved a muscle. Then slowly the leaders started moving around the room talking to them about what they had just heard and what they thought about it. The great part is they started really talking and asking questions about being saved. They didn't want to leave, it was fantastic. 

Homeward Bond

Tony and Stacey are on their way back to the states. God has truly blessed us this week. We have seen God do a mighty work over the last few days. We have been to some marvelous wonders of this world but by far the best thing that has happened is the miracles God has done in the hearts of the people. 

As the Howeth's travel back to the states on their way home, my heart is filled with joy for the 10 that asked Jesus Christ into their hearts and are now homeward bond for heaven.  

How beautifully sweet it is to see God moving. We have been praying for God to do a mighty work, in my heart I know that HE has only just began. 

Please keep these 10 souls in prayer. The devil is probably already at work trying to convince them that what God has done in their lives and hearts, isn't real and it can not last. Pray a hedge of protection about these babes in Christ, that they would be at church on sunday and they would get grounded in the word of God. 

More to follow.........

Friday, March 28, 2008

Glory to God

I want to praise the Lord for what he is doing here.
Tonight we had 9 young people trust the Lord as there saviour.
I don't think that I have words to describe just how much my heart is  

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

God still saves sinners

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. God saves. 

Tonight is a very special night, David the man shown here with the great big smile next to Stephen, just asked the Lord to save him. 

I am so very happy for David, he is the young man I have mentioned in earlier blogs. 

A group of young people came to the house after church to fellowship with us. David has been under conviction for a while now, so when he decided to come over Stephen took the opportunity to have some one on one time with him. 
They went to a private room in the house and talked for well over an hour. Stephen was able to take the word of God and show David his need of a Saviour, the holy spirit moved in David's heart. 

I praise the Lord so much for the work he is doing in our lives and how he is working in the lives of the people we are working with and for. 
To God be the glory. 

Making the most of our time

Monday afternoon we took the Howeth's over to Carrickfergus to see the Castle. We got to see some remarkable architecture that was used in the construction of this over 800 year old master piece. 
The picture seen here is from the south east side of the castle, the mid-Victorian period 68 pounder gun is on the right. How would you like to shout one of those? 
It is a gorgeous view that is for sure. 
We had a great time and after the tour of the castle we headed over to a local restaurant for a bit to eat and some good fun. 
We are enjoying our fellowship with the Howeth's they are such a wonderful blessing to us. 

Monday, March 24, 2008

God opened the flood gates

We had a great time Sunday night! I really don't know how to describe it, my heart was running over with praise to the Lord for the 32 in attendance. 
There were 14 from our church, then Tony & Stacey, 10 from Ballyclare Baptist, 3 first time visitors, 3 returning visitors (4 of whom know they are not christians).  The Gospel was clear and the message was explosive. I pray not one person slept soundly if they are lost or not right with God.  The service was brilliant absolutely brilliant.
In my own heart, God showed me how I fall short and how he wants and will use other areas of my life if I would only carry my cross more. Sometimes I get weary but I forget I don't have to carry it alone. 
I dare say that the people we had last night in our service had probably never heard a message that filled with passion. Truly, it will be something that they will not soon forget. 
There was a time of fellowship afterwards and I just loved every minute. It was such a sweet moment in time. I just wanted to absorb every second. I love how God gives you what you need when you need it and I needed that. 
To God be the glory.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday update

We had 13 in our am service as we enjoyed a great Easter message from Stephen. We then partook of the Lord's supper as we remembered all that he had done for us so many years ago. 

God brought David back to join us for services Sunday, it is so good to have visitors and see lost people being convicted by the Holy Spirit. David has not made any kind of profession, there is however some stirring going on, he has been present for the last 5 activities and he seems to be getting a lot out of the messages. He is asking questions and making plans to come to future services, please pray with us that God would soften his heart to the spirit and he would get saved. 

Friday, March 21, 2008

Farewell Service

This is the youth choir at Ballyclare Baptist. They were singing a couple of songs to honour the Pastor's wife Jayne, who taught the youth group for the last 22 years. It was no surprise Mrs. Boreland was moved to tears by such a gift. 

Pastor Stephen Boreland was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1959. He was saved as a young man of fourteen, four years later, he surrendered to the Lord for service. When he was nineteen he went to Bible College and at twenty two he was called to the pastorate of his first church.  He met his wife while they were students at Bible College. They were married in 1983 and now have two boys, Andrew and David. After 22 years at Ballyclare Baptist Church, Pastor Boreland has now received the call of God to Bethesda Free Church in Sunderland, England. 

It was with sadness that the church and members of Ballyclare Baptist Church as they said farewell to such a faithful minister of the Word of God. They took the opportunity to wish Stephen, Jayne, Andrew and David every blessing of God for the future. 

At the end of night the church presented the Pastor with a Laptop and all the fixings. It was a blessing to see people honour the man of God in such a wonderful way. 

Wednesday night

Prayer meeting & Bible study

Stephen finished the book of I John this past Wednesday.  He did a wonderful job with the series and notes he gave us to study. We also had a great time of prayer and praise to the Lord. God is starting to do a work here in the hearts of the people. As the men prayed, I was encouraged and strengthened by their love of the Lord and their faith in his word. 

Please pray with me that God would let them see fruit for their faithfulness and prayers. 

Kids Club on Tuesday's

Here is a wee video of our Kids Club. They are a wee restless. 
We are out on Easter break until the 8th of April. I am hopeful that some of them will start coming to Sunday School in the meantime. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What a day.

Okay, have you ever just ran around all day and thought I can not believe what all we got accomplished today. 

Most of the time, if you are anything like myself, you run around like a chicken with your head cut off and think by the end of it I didn't get half of what I wanted to do done. Then there are those days that you go and go, look back after you get in and say I don't know where I got the energy to do all of that. 

Today was one of those wonderful days that are filled with moments you remember. Our day started fairly early for most. We were having company, so like most women do, I woke up with a million and one things on a list in my head to get done before we walked out the door for the airport. 

So if you know me, you know that I started the day with a very large cup of coffee and a lot of vanilla creamer. After getting my all important caffeine rush, the race was on. I dusted, wiped, put away, washed, and tidied everything a could think of. Stephen, thought I was crazy for sure. Then out the door we went with my coffee in hand. Thankful, Stephen drove because drinking and driving is against the law, even if it is only coffee. 

We got to the airport around 8 and waited for our friends to make the walk down the corridor. I was a little jittery by this point, a pot of coffee will do that to a person, I should have eaten something I guess. So I paced the floor by the time Tony and Stacey came into view. Oh, how good it was to see somebody from home, especial friends like Stacey and Tony.  We headed to the car and away we were excited about our adventures for the day.  

Stephen drove us to Ballyclare, the Village we call home, so our guest could get washed up before we headed back out again. I felt bad they didn't have time for a nap, since they had been traveling all night, I wonder if it counts as the same day if you hadn't really been to sleep yet. 

Around 11 we ended up at Relish a local cafe, for some Irish Stew and wheaten bread. It is a hearty meal so Stephen and Tony, took one for the team, while Stacey and I had a more delicate dish. We did have a good crack with Caroline the owner and manager of the place. After lunch we drove down to Carrikfurgus, to the grammar  school (High School), where Tony was going to give a challenge to the teens, we had 30 in attendance, as he began to speak about Jonathan and his armor barer. He did a fantastic job, he gave some very real examples in his message and it really hit home. They got a good taste of american culture as he preached with zeal and passion, moving some of them I hope to makeup their own minds about how they too can make a difference in the world through serving our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Then off again we went on our way to Londonderry. It was fun watching Tony and Stacey try to stay a wake in the car as we drove the hour and a half. We got to Travis and Teri's about 3:30, they got a quick tour before they went out passing out information on the meetings that start tomorrow.  I was glad to visit with the ladies and the baby, Darci is the prettiest little girl in this time zone. 

Teri fixed a great meal, and we enjoyed a little fellowship. Little being the key word. Stephen and I had a youth meeting to get to, so we had to eat and ride. It is great having friends that understand a busy day. Thanks ya'll. 

We made it home in time to stop off at the loo  (restroom) before heading out the door, we didn't even shut the car off. The kids were great tonight. Stephen taught on the crucifixion, the kids were on the ball tonight, they like to keep us guessing. Sometimes they get all the question right and you think how did you know that. They are great kids. I got a chance to talk to some of the Parents and let them know our plans and invite them to church. The school takes off two weeks for easter and we hold the meeting in the school, so no school equals a no youth night. We did tell the parents that we have a sunday school they can come to as well, so maybe they will decide they miss us. 

We drove home, I don't remember feeling so tried but so happy at the same time. We got to see friends from home, eat lunch, see teens preached too, a gorgeous drive, visit local friends, another gorgeous drive, fellowship and witness to some youth, and come home to spend some time with each other, although in about 10 min there might be some snoring taking place. 

I hope this gives you an idea just how nice a day it really was. 

We have visitors.

We are so excited to go to the airport this morning and pick up Tony & Stacey Howeth. They are members and great friends of our home church Whitfield Baptist. 

God has given us the opportunity to take Tony & Stacey to a public school in the area, to preach a message to 40 teenagers, before we head up to Londonderry to drop them off with Travis & Teri.

We are headed out to for a good ulster fry, for breakfast. I will fill you all in how it goes later. 

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday night update

God blessed both services yesterday. We had a visitor in the am service and he brought his wife and baby girl back sunday night. We also had another new couple with us in the pm service. 

Stephen preached a great message about the gospel according to Saint Patrick, the people said they didn't know much about Patrick and they really enjoyed learning how Patrick reached so many for the Lord. It is funny how you can live in a place and not know very much about your own history. I know the same is true with so many of us in the states as well, I have to laugh when someone from here starts talking about things that have gone on in the states that I have no idea about. 
I tell you what God was really on fire in the pm service as well, Stephen preached out of Daniel on the ancient of days, I was so thrilled I got to go home with the preacher. The people really got a lot out of it and talked afterwards about how they had never seen it preached that way or understood exactly how it pertained to today's world. We had a visit with everyone after the service, people lingered about chatting and enjoying their tea with some southern fruit cobbler. 
The best part of the night was when David, our visitor from the am service that returned with his wife in the pm service, talked to Stephen about the fact he knew he was lost. Stephen, asked David if they could talk about it, but David said he wasn't ready to saved. After they talked for a few minutes David said he would like to talk to Stephen more about it later. 
Hailey, David's wife was keen on trying some sweet potato pie, so I told her that next Sunday I would make one so she could try it. I don't think that she is saved, so please pray God would open up her heart and I might have a chance to speak to her about it. 
The other couple that came go to a Free Presbyterian Church about 40 min away. They actually meet Stephen at meeting we went to a week ago and wanted to stop in for a visit. We enjoyed their fellowship and hope they come back to see us soon. 
We are so thankful to the Lord for giving us such a wonderful day. 

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Friend like Mark.

I know there is never a bad time to thank someone for what they have done for you. So I thought what better a time then your birthday when I have to be nice to you. 
Where to begin? That is a very good question. 
From the very start you have challenged what I have thought, in regards to missionaries, missionary service, and discipleship.  You have been an extraordinary example of what a Jonathan should look like. I was touched by the love you have for the Lord, your wife, the ministry, and for all those you work with or teach. 

When I first got to Peru I was out of place. I had no idea what I was good at or how God would use me there. You helped find a place for me to serve and learn. You made it clear I could be as involved as I wanted. You and Amy took time to mold me and scold me. You helped me see the importance of my two favorite words. I had never had people out side of John's family open up their home and lives and allow me to be a part. I never felt out of place at your home or in the way. You trusted me (well Amy did) to take Emily to the post office to get the mail. You let me do so many things I would have never imagined, I would do. Like the time we went to Chile with a group to mail Jason's things and we slept on the ground until the shipping yard opened. Wait, maybe you weren't with us on that trip.  
Mark you are sold out to reaching the world in our generation and it shines through to all those around you. I am so honored to know you let alone call you and Amy our friends. 
I have seen you work with Brother Austin, helping him do what God has called him to do. I know that he could not do it alone, God has blessed him with your help, your friendship and your loyalty. You have taught me so much, not necessarily what you have said but how you have lived. 
I have watched you work sunup till way past sundown, making every minute count. I was moved when to thought of Vision was coming to light and how Brother Gardner, you and all the men in the room would pray and plan, asking God to show you all where to go and what to do. Helping you all start Vision is one of the most special moments of my life. Being a part of what God has started doing in Alpharetta will not be forgotten. 
You have been a good friend to Stephen and I, we thank you and Amy for praying for us. We love you both very much and hope God continues to bless you and the ministries you are involved in. I know that God is going to do a mighty work through Vision and all the people there. 
Keep up the Good work. We are praying for you.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Meet our New Friends!

Our new friends, Kyle and Karen. We are no strangers to making new friends along the way, so when we meet Kyle and Karen, we hit it off first thing. In the photo shown here we are having some american food, (Pizza Hut) at U.K. prices (35 Quid) or 70 dollars. We won't be going to Pizza Hut again, until we are in the states. I would rather have fuel in the car at that price. You live and learn, eat american in america. 
We have a grand time with our new friends. We have taken quit a shine to them. 
Kyle works in the Royal hospital in Belfast and Karen works for the Royal in the accounting department in the city center. 
They enjoy a good spot of tea with biscuits whilst visiting in the lounge. 
I think I am picking up the lingo. I love hearing everyone talk here, I just think when I say it, it sounds odd. They tell me I am getting an ulster accent and Stephen still has his souther u.s. voice. So you all we have to be the judge when we get home. 

Making a difference, Part III

I believe that God wants us to use the tragedy's in our life to make a difference in someone else's.

So that is what I tried to do last night. I had the oppurtunity to speak to some teenagers that come to our teen outreach on Friday nights. I had been praying about what to talk about when God started speaking to me about Wesley. It is really hard for me to think about Wes, much less share his story. 

I didn't know what I would say or how I would say it. I just started talking, it was like God filled my mind, heart and mouth with every word. I gave examples of how I wanted to be the cool sister, and I tried to buy the things of the world to impress my brother and his friends with. I told them how when I felt bad about something I was doing, to feel better I got others to do it with me. 

I told them the story of how God had Wesley call me three times before he died. How I had blown him off, how I had thought I had tomorrow.  I reminded them that Wesley could be one of them. That it could be their best friend getting married with out his best mate standing beside him. 

I told them about the little girl left without a dad. Wesley, had signed a picture for his baby, before he died, and said "I hope I always make your proud, Love Dad". So I asked how proud will that girl be when she is 2, 10, 16, how bout when she walks down the isle to get married. They responded not very. 

They took it in. All of it. I know it was the Holy Spirit they were listening to and not me. These kids, talk out every chance they get, and they said nothing the entire time. Their faces in deep thought, thinking of their mates, or themselves I am sure.  

I had given them a blank piece of paper at the start of the talk and when we were almost down. I asked them to look at it. They replied there was nothing on it. Exactly, I said, that is how God sees us when we get saved. He doesn't see us for what we were he sees us like a blank sheet of paper, clean and white, forgiven of the lies, drugs, drink, stealing, all the things we are guilty of. They were thinking. 
I assured them that they didn't have to make a discussion in front of their friends. I asked them before they went to sleep that night. To think about what was said, and to remember that they could be Wesley, with no tomorrows to make a discussion. 

I thank the Lord for giving me the chance to share Wesley with these kids. For the first time I am not ashamed that Wesley was proud of me.

May I never forget to share Jesus with the ones I love and the people I meet.

Making a difference, Part II

Even though I didn't want it to, the sun did come up the next morning. I went to the church and worked for a couple hours before I went to see my brother. I wasn't much good to anyone, I was so upset. I was replaying in my head over and over the last three phone calls with Wesley. What I would have said if I had known that he wouldn't have long. I just couldn't stop hearing his voice. 

I talked things over with my Pastor and felt a little relief from the hurt and the guilt. I just prayed for God to help me. I should have done this or that, the what if's filled my head. I had to pull it together because I was on my way to be with my brother. 

I couldn't not fully describe the pain in my heart as I headed up the stairs to find my baby brother curled in a ball crying over the lose of someone he loved so much. I hugged him and he simply hugged me back. He whispered, how they had promised each other they would grow old together and how they were going to be best men for each other, he promised, he promised my brother repeated. That night was hard to handle, as he watched home movies of Wes. In one of them, Wes had stopped acting and looked into the camera and began to tell people what he thought of them. He told my brother Billy, how he loved hanging out and what good friend he was, he called out a couple of people, then he said April, I love you, your cool. I just had to walk away. 

I wasn't cool. I had done so much to encourage the life style he was into. Then when God saved me I walked away. I didn't do much to undo what I had started.  Three weeks ago, I found out he was proud of me for getting out, and now he was dead. 

I was there when my brother said goodbye to his best friend, when he carried his coffin to the grave yard, when he watched him lowered into the earth. I was there as all of Wesley's friends wept tears of pain and hurt over the lose of their friend. I was there on the drive home watching as my baby brother laid in my mothers lap, weeping because he would never again see his friend, hear his voice, or hug his neck. 

What would we do if we could make a difference? If our loose could change a life. If our pain could help someone else. What would we do? 

Making a difference, Part I

Have you ever had something happen and later thought about how it could have been different?

Just over two years now, that happened to me. I had just gotten back to the states from Peru, South America. I was so pumped about being part of a new work here in the states, as well as excited about returning to Peru for another 6 months to continue a work there. I was in the zone you know what I mean, working hard so what were doing would make a difference. 

Then I got a phone call from my brothers best friend. I had let my brother use my cell phone while I was out of the country, so I didn't think much about it when I got calls for him. Wesley, was really a part of our family, he and Billy were closer then brothers. So when he called we talked for a few minutes, getting caught up on what I had missed the last couple of years. 

He told me about his new baby girl, just a month old. He mentioned how Erin, his soon to be wife was doing. He explained where he was working and living now. I listened to the sweet way he was describing everything going on in his life. He had a sheepish way about him. Then he said, "April, I want you to know I am proud of you." I just had to laugh it off and said "Wes, why are you proud of me." He replied, "Becuase you are not doing the same things you use to." I was caught off guard and just responded with, "You know Wes, you don't have to do the things you are doing". Then with a laugh he shrugged it off "Yeah, I know." 

The conversation was over and I was thrilled I had the chance to talk to him. I went back to the office in high spirits. I told a few people what happened, I was thinking it was great maybe my brother and Wes would start going to church or at least visit. I remember feeling so good about my self that day. Then back to the grind stone. 

I was helping start a new church, I had tons going on. Meetings, classes, calling, setting up for this or that. So when Wes called again, I laughed it off, because I had told him that I was using my phone while I was in the country and that I would tell Billy to give him a call. I still don't remember if I made time to do that. 

I was in the kitchen at the church when he called the third time. I was busy, too busy to talk to him much at all. I reminded him, I had the phone, he was always a little forgetful, although the drugs didn't help. He seemed embarrassed, and I felt a little sorry for him. I told him I would have Billy call. I didn't make the time to call my brother. 

I was in my own little world at the church, putting together something. When I got a call from my mom. I could hear her crying as told me that Wes was dead. I just couldn't believe it. No, I talked to him, I just talked to him. It wasn't true, I know it's not true. She said, it was drugs they found him in the dealers (his friends) house. I told her I had to go, I couldn't hear anymore. I hung up the phone and freaked out. Lets just say I couldn't see straight, I felt like someone had just punched me in the chest. I was hurting not only for myself but for my brother who had lost his best friend. I was trying to make a difference in the world and I couldn't make a difference in Wesley's life. 

What was I doing? Why couldn't I see God giving me the chance to talk to him. He was gone,  no more accidental phone calls & no tomorrow's to ask him about salvation or invite him to church. I had failed him. God gave me three chances and I let all of them slip through unnoticed. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Drive up the coast

So what do you do when the power is turned off at home for 8 hours?
You go for a drive!
Stephen & I left monday morning for a drive up the antrim coast. I have to say that it was brilliant. I was just so taken back by the beauty of it all. 
It was almost like being on the bridge overlooking splash mountian at six flags. As we made our way along side the ocean, large waves would hit the rocks below and splash the road and anything on it. It was a little tense at times, we would see signs that would warn us about flooding, rock and mud slides. Not to mention the fact the road was narrow and very curvy in places. It was good fun and we really enjoyed the trip. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who knew?

One of the great things about being a missionary, is how God allows you to see and do so many different things in life. I am just so delighted to be in N. Ireland, serving the Lord along side the husband that God blessed me with. I could have never imagined being able to do the things God has allowed me to do over the years. 

When I first started reading and learning about missionaries, a good friend gave me a book called "A chance to die" about Amy Charmicael. It was a wonderful book and opened my eyes to so many things, it let me see how one person can change the life of someone else that would one day change the life of so many.  

I now am living on the very island where Amy was born, where she heard Hudson Taylor speak about missions, where she decided to become a missionary. We live just an hour away from Millisle, the place Amy use to call home. 

Amy's life touched the heart of man like Jim Elliot, who inspired men across america to give their lives for the cause of missions. I wanted to share this Quote I found. I think it is a very touching and true statement.

While serving in India, Amy received a letter from a young lady who was considering life as a missionary, She asked Amy, "What is missionary life like?" Amy wrote back saying simply,

"Missionary life is simply a chance to die."

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Teen outreach

Can it be that we are hitting home with some of these teen? 

Last Friday, we had a brilliant testimony from Andy, he goes to Bally Baptist. Andy, was involved in all kinds of things when he was a teenager through his early twenties. He really got the teens attention through his artistic abilities, he drew some images that are very real for most of these kids, then he drew the nail scared hands of Jesus for them. 

I believe they were getting a lot out of what he had to say. They even stayed over to listen to him. It was good to see some of them listening to what God had brought Andy out of. 

Thank the Lord for young men and women willing to tell their story to see others reached with the Gospel. These teens are moving into the world faster then you can imagine.

 Please pray for all the work that we are doing with these kids. 

Tuesday night youth club.

I am happy to report we had a high last week with 11 kids out to our tuesday night club. It was so much fun hanging out with the all of them playing games and having a good time. The lesson time had a lot of participating which was great to see. 

We are hoping that we will have a lot more kids tonight. The school where we have the club is starting a class for adults at the same time, so we are hoping they will need someone to watch their children while they are in class. 

Please pray for these young souls as we are starting to see God move in their hearts. 

Sunday night

We had a very nice service sunday night at Faith as we honored women for mothering sunday. 

I just think it is great they call it mothering sunday because even if you do not have children you can be mothering. We honored all women present with a small gift, I think they were touched that no one was left out. I gave a brief testimony about mothers and how God honors the prays of mothers for their children.

We had tea afterwards and talked a little about upcoming events and things we would like to do. The ladies are excited about having Mrs. Stacey with us the end of March. 

The Sweet ending

Stephen and I spent the am service on sunday with Breahill Baptist Church in northern Belfast, there are about 79,000 people in the area surrounding the church. 

Stephen preached a great message on the holy spirit. The church people seemed to really enjoy it, they also mentioned how the sunday before the message was on the same subject. I don't know if they thought that was bad or good, I just think God is trying to get a point across.

I got the opportunity to share a short lesson with the children at the start of the service. It went well, until the end when culture strakes again, it is customary here for the children to get a sweetie at the end of the lesson. So I finished the lesson (which is done in the front of all the church) and there was an odd silence and the children did not budge, I repeated that the lesson was over very sweetly, they did not move a muscle. I was to say the least shocked and confused. I just was racking my brain, what do I do now I thought. Then I said very kindly did I do something wrong. Then a very kind women got up and said they are waiting on their sweetie, as she went to the back to get them a treat. I know I looked like one of those cartoons when the light bulb goes off on the top of their head. Sweetie of course, why didn't I think of that.  

The whole church got a little chuckle out of it. Murmuring about how they kids were frozen where they sat until they got their sweet. I was so embarrassed about not having something for them.

The moral of the story for me, is to never leave home without a purse full of sweeties.