Sunday, April 12, 2009

Make time for who is important

 I have to remember to make time for God. It doesn't always come easy. You have clothes to wash, dishes to do, food to cook, ect. When you sit down to read and take in some quality time with God what happens, the phone rings, there's a knock at the door, you see where I am going with this. 

We, meaning I, need to stop and remember what is important, most important in my life and that is the Lord and my walk with him. It will effect everything, the love, affection and most of all respect I have for my husband; the way I treat and talk to my friends and family. 

If I do not seek him everyday I am distant or disconnected with him I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I waited so long to talk to Him that there is an awkwardness between us. I love God for all sorts of reasons, because he loved me when I was unloveable, when I didn't even love myself, He loved me so much he gave His son to the cross so that I might be saved from the world and myself. 

Oh, how can I not long to spend time with such a God. 
So many times I race through our time together when I should be taking in ever moment and word. Don't freak out at what I am about to say. What if instead of feeling it is my duty, which it is (study to show thyself approved), I read God's word as if it were the last time I would ever be able too. The last time I could see his written word, the last time I could allow myself to get swept away with wild adventures of Paul and David or when Esther made her appeal to the king, Jonathan's loyal friendship, Mary and Joseph's testimony and faithfulness to the will of God for their lives and Jesus Himself. 

What if I told those who don't know him, what I've read and learned with the same enthusiasm as a new electronic or movie that just came out. What kind of difference would that make not only to the people I've told but the walk I have with Him.  

Just a thought

I wonder?

JOHN 20:1
Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early,
while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. 

It's nearly 5 am , things are still and silent, as restlessness put its hold on me I could sleep no longer and my thoughts were drawn to Mary Magdalene. 

I wonder if she slept at all? Could it be that she waited to go to Him as long as she could, then when she could wait no longer went to the place she thought she would find him. 

Was she with the others when she left to see her Lord . I can see her in my head, moving about gathering together things she would need to honour her Master, Lord, her Jesus. Between the tears and her heart break realizing she could do this last thing for Him, for he had done so much more for her. He had for given her sin. 

When we loose someone so dear to us we can not but help replay our lives together with them. The moments that changed us, reassured us, gave us hope, made us angry and bonded us to this person in the first place. We remember the first time we meet them, the first time we loved them, the times that led to us loosing them. 

Oh, the pain that she must have felt of losing her Lord, and when she could not sleep one more minute if she slept at all, she went to were he was supposed to be, what kind of preparation she must have been making in her heart, to see her Lord one last time. 

Then she saw the unthinkable, the stone rolled away from the tomb.  The terror that must have over taken her as "...she ran to Simon Peter and the other disciple, whom Jesus loved,..." John 20:2 , "So they both ran together,..." John 20:4

Here comes the good part. 

John 20:13 "Then they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" The two angles speaking here. She probably exclaimed through her tears and heart ache what happened as she began to feel the heart build with in her, when a man's voice asked her what she was seeking? Not know it was Him, I asked if he or if he knew what happened to her Lord, letting him know she would take her Lord away.

Then He called her by name, "Mary!"  she  turned around and saw Jesus, her Jesus, the one who she saw die from our sins as he hang from the cross. Did her heart leap for joy, skip a beat, overflow with love for her master, oh I think it did and all at once. Then he gave her the task of telling the others, telling them the wonderful news, that he was not died but had risen. What Peace she must have had knowing her Lord was not laying in a tomb but He had risen.

That is the same peace we have today. How exciting is that? To know my God, my Lord, my King, is not in a tomb somewhere, he is alive and with the Father.  

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A merry heart

I really want to be an encouragement to my husband and more times then I would like to admit, I am the opposite.  My actions, body language and tone of voice at times ring out loud and clear I am not happy with this or that. I have to be on guard about the way I am acting or thinking because even though I do not say I am unhappy, mad or sad; my actions will betray me. 
I need to remember that a merry heart doth good like a medicine and to guard my heart at all cost or it will betray me. 
What will please God and my husband? Contentment, faithfulness, a meek and quiet spirit. The last thing my husband needs is to worry about my feelings every second. He needs to free to work in or on the ministry God has given him to do. I need to help him be able to do that by not making a deal out of everything if it doesn't go my way. I need to learn how to trust in God to guide him and trust in him to listen to God's guidance.