Sunday, April 5, 2009

A merry heart

I really want to be an encouragement to my husband and more times then I would like to admit, I am the opposite.  My actions, body language and tone of voice at times ring out loud and clear I am not happy with this or that. I have to be on guard about the way I am acting or thinking because even though I do not say I am unhappy, mad or sad; my actions will betray me. 
I need to remember that a merry heart doth good like a medicine and to guard my heart at all cost or it will betray me. 
What will please God and my husband? Contentment, faithfulness, a meek and quiet spirit. The last thing my husband needs is to worry about my feelings every second. He needs to free to work in or on the ministry God has given him to do. I need to help him be able to do that by not making a deal out of everything if it doesn't go my way. I need to learn how to trust in God to guide him and trust in him to listen to God's guidance. 

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