Saturday, July 26, 2008

Made my day....

How can one phone call make my day? Well let me tell you. 

Stephen and I were working this afternoon and the phone rang. I thought it was probably a wrong number or someone trying to sale something because we don't normally get calls on Saturday's. 

So when I heard him say hold on a minute, my brain went into overdrive thinking about who could that be and why do they want to talk to me. 

Then I got on the phone and it was a young lady form a church in Tennessee , she explained who she was and that she was hoping I could come and speak at their lady's meeting they have at their church next month. Honestly, I was a lot shocked because I have never been asked to speak at a church out of the blue before. I got all the information I thought I would need and said thank you and let her go. 

I really just don't know how to describe the feeling I am having right now. I have this sort of butterflies flying around in my stomach at the idea of talking to people I don't know. Then I have this really scary what do I talk to them about thing happening. Along with a great since of wow I wonder why they asked me and what a great privilege it will be to share what God did while we were in Ireland. 

I am so thankful for the opportunity that God is giving me to talk to the ladies that will be at that meeting. Please pray that I will say and do what will honour and glorify the Lord, and be a blessing to the people he brings in. 

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