Friday, June 27, 2008

Who is reading your blog?

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Well the answer for me is I really don't know. I was at a missions conference this week and one of the wives told me she read my blog. I was shocked and amazed, one that she knew I had a blog and two that she would actually take the time to read something on it. 
I have to admit that sense getting back from Ireland, I have fallen down on my blogging. It is not that we are not doing anything important or staying busy, I just kinda felt weird about writing how things are going when all of you live in the states. Then I was reminded that even if you live here things pop up that are blog worthy. 
We may live in the same country and all of that but every place we go is unique in its own way. 
The people, church's, town's, states, they all have a way of showing you something about yourself God want's you to see. Maybe every situation isn't perfect and it may challenge you in ways you could not imagine that is all the more reason to share it with others. 
Then there are those people and places that bless and encourage you beyond word's. People should get to hear that sort of stuff too. 
I really want to share what the Lord is doing in this journey, called our lives. 

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