Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just wanted to say

I was thinking about how much the Lord has blessed me over the years with good, I mean great men of God who I have had the privilege to call my Pastor, along with those men were sweet Ladies of God who were shinning examples of what a Pastor's wife should be.  

I just wanted to say thank you to my Pastor's and their wives.
Bro. Landy & Sis. Rita, Bro. Austin & Mrs. Betty, Bro. Wayne & Mrs. Connie, for loving me and always being there. 

When we thank God for our pastor
We must give Him thanks for two,
For when your husband came to us
God also sent us you.

A pastor's wife must be many things,
You have many hats to wear;
And we say thanks for all you do
And lift you up in prayer.

You adjust your life to meet the needs
Of your husband's congregation,
And it seems that you can always cope
With most any situation.

Your presence blesses all of us
Who know you from day to day
As our pastor's wife, you are serving God
In a fine and worthy way.

by: Helen Bush


Austin Gardner said...

You are very kind! Thank you for your thank you. You are a blessing. And those ladies did come and we would be no where without them

Unknown said...

You're so sweet April. I don't deserve such kind words. You are such a blessing to so many people.
Always praying for you and Strphen.