Sunday, January 20, 2008

God is in control

Life is full of twist and turns along the way, the thing I like to remember is that God knows what is around the corner, under the bush, and all around me; he is preparing me for what is going to come next. I like many others have grown up over the years with a very colorful past then the Lord stepped in and cleaned me up and set me a prat form the world I once knew so well. 

I went through stages dealing with all the things I had done in my past. I first was ashamed of where I had been and what I had done, then I began to be bitter that I lived with all this knowledge of what the world was really like and no one else seemed to understand, after that I was almost bragging at where God had brought me from, and know I think that I am neither ashamed, bitter, or boastful of what God has allowed me to go through in life. I am thankful that he has given me the opportunity to share my life, and my testimony with others.
To look at where I was and see where God has brought me in a very short amount of time is truly amazing. I often forget all God has done because my life is so different now.  At times thinking back on old friends and places it almost seems as if I were looking at some one else's life form a distance, that it was not really me in the first place, that it was some sort of dream. 

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