Friday, January 2, 2009

Standing in the Gap

That is the theme of this years Summit, in Pigeon Forge TN, with the Our Generation team. It has been wonderful so far and I look forward to seeing how God moves today. 
We started off with a joint session then we broke up into specialized classes. I have to say I really enjoyed the Stand by your man class taught by Amy Coffey and Mrs. Betty Gardner. It really hit home. 
After the session, I was talking with a lady and she started telling me how she couldn't do what they were talking about because her husband needed this or that, that he wasn't good with this, she had to be the way she was because she didn't have a choice. I really had to take a step back because I had said some of those exact things to myself at times. 

I can say that my attitude has not been right, a lot, when it comes to my role as a wife. It is something I need to work on daily, ok maybe hourly. I really have to be careful not to make excuses for the disrespect of my husbands position (hard to say that) but that is what I am doing when I correct him, give advice or options (especially in front of others), make decisions without consulting him first, ect... 
When I do that, I am basically under minding his authority over me, the  position God put him in, so I am actually doing all those things to the Lord as well.
Don't get me wrong. I don't set out to embarrass or dishonor my husband, my intentions are good and mean well. "I am trying to help, isn't that what I was made for" the problem is that our way of helping is not always God's way of helping. 
Am I standing in the Gap for my husband. Am I willing to help him in God's way and not my own.