This is when I remember the most important day of my life.
What would make Valentines Day so important. Well it is the day the Lord saved me. Saved me from a life of sin, set me a part, made me a new creature, pulled me out of the miry pit, and when he lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders and showed me I do not have to be alone ever again. It is the day I asked to be forgiven, believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross at calvary not just for the millions who had already trusted him and millions more that would come to know him in the years to follow, but for me lowly me. I could do nothing to be good enough to deserve this gift from above. I thank God for his mercy and grace.
Nine years now have gone by since that day, in a church on a hill with a small group of believers God spoke to my heart with these simple words, "Pride is a horrible thing to go to hell for." Oh how he was right.
I can't tell you exactly what happened after I stood up to go forward, it all seemed so surreal, as I prayed and cried out to the Lord to do what I could not; save me from death, hell, and sin. I just remember telling him that I believed Jesus Christ died for me, I confessed that I could not save myself and I asked him to save me. No magical words, fancy speech, just my heart open to God asking him to come in and save me.
What happened was something else, altogether different. It was almost like I felt him lifting away the burdens and guilt, that I had been caring for so many years. All at once I was overcome with a very clear since of freedom, a renewing, and cleansing of all that I am.
I have never forgotten what happened that day. Praise the Lord for the salvation that only he can give. My life has not been the same since. The devil tried to still from me many times. Not only had I written down in my bible (thank you JP for the telling me to do that), so that I could see it and remember the day; I get to remind myself everyday I get the privilege to read his word and serve him in the ministry.
So you see why Valentines day is the most important day of my life.
I used to spend Valentines day alone wishing I had someone to share it with. This very special day of mine. Then God being the amazing God he is. Sent me my husband who loves and adores me, a man who loves the Lord and seeks to honor and serve God through all that he does in life. A man who has such an amazing faith and trust in people, God has given me a husband above and beyond what I could have ever imagined or picked for myself.
Thank you Lord for all that you are & do.